HTML Class Reference Info

H. Marc Lewis — last updated 20-Feb-1999

My selection of the 15 most useful <HTML> tags:

<HTML> Encloses your entire HTML document, and identifies it as such.
<TITLE> The title of the page, displayed by most browsers in their title bar. The only tag absolutely required to be in a Web page.
<HEAD> Defines the header portion of the HTML document, as opposed to the BODY of the document. Generally contains only the TITLE tag.
<BODY> Defines the body of the HTML document, as opposed to the HEAD of the document.
<H1> Encloses text which becomes a HEADER of level '1'. Six levels of header are allowed (e.g. H6 is the smallest, H1 the largest).
<P> Paragraph break. Originally signalled the end of a paragraph, but HTML 3.0 made it a 'container' (with matching </P> tag) so now it signals the beginning of a paragraph.
<BR> Line break. Forces the browser to end the 'current' line — useful for preventing short lines (e.g. a postal address) from being merged into one line.
<B> Physical character formatting, renders enclosed text BOLD if the browser is capable of it.
<I> Physical character formatting, renders enclosed text in ITALICS if the browser is capable of it.
<HR> Inserts a 'horizontal rule'...
which looks like the above separator line...
<IMG> Includes a bit-mapped image (generally a JPEG or GIF image) which is a link to another file or URL.
<A> Creates an 'anchor' link, which is one of the fundamental concepts of HTML documents. The word 'bogus' is a link (albeit a meaningless one).
<CENTER> A popular Netscape enhancement to allow text and image centering. This violates the idea of an HTML document trying to specify its presentation -- but what else is new? Better is to use <DIV ALIGN=center> ... </DIV>.
<BLOCKQUOTE> Used for including 'quoted' material, most browsers indent both left and right margins about 1/2 an inch. Useful also for forcing indentation (content vs: presentation again). HTML 3.0 renamed this as <BQ> to make it quicker to type.
<!-- comments --> The official way to insert non-displayed comments. Also useful for 'commenting' out sections of HTML code you don't want to be interpreted.
There is a way to specify special characters (like the © symbol) too...

HTML stuff

Introduction to HTML and URLs This is an excellent resource, recently updated (15-Mar-96), and organized in a book style (table of contents as links).
HyperText Markup Language Specification 3.0 A description of the semi-official HTML 3.0 standard.
A Beginner's Guide to HTML A nice tutorial, all in one big page, with local links.
The Bare Bones Guide to HTML An index of HTML tags, organized in a number of formats (ASCII, HTML, PostScript, etc.) and useful as a quick reference. It's worth making a printed copy of this one.
Composing Good HTML (Version 2.0) A 90k HTML document, very well done. The author has written a book on the same subject. Some good advice.
Web66: Eight Minute HTML Primer A very minimal HTML tutorial, IMHO only suitable for the attention challanged Net surfer...
Netscape Enhancement Index A spiffy Web page, with lots of attractive visuals. Points to (among other things) a list of Netscape's HTML enhancements.
Extensions to HTML Netscape's own version of the above page...
Templates for Homepages. A clever Web page which allows you to create a simplistic Home Page of your own in one of several styles. Works best if you already have some text written, and maybe a photo or two digitized and loaded on your Web server somewhere...
Make Your Own Home Page Another Web site which assists you to create your own Web page. I found it slow to connect to, and didn't navigate far enough to see if it was better than the above link...
Gareth's style guide One man's opinion as to what consititues good HTML coding style. There is some good information here.
Tim Berners-Lee's
Style Guide
From the guy who 'invented' the World Wide Web...
HTML Bad Style Page Good advice about what to avoid in coding HTML.
WWW Consortium And then there's always the World Wide Web Consortium, the folks whose job the Web is...

Misc. WWW Stuff

Access Counter A cool site offering (free) a package which implements page hit counters in a variety of sizes and styles, all without requiring server-side includes.
The Common Gateway Interface NCSA's pages for learning about cgi-bin stuff (needed for doing FORMS and some other advanced Web page features.
Clickable Image Maps How to do image maps (those spiffy images with multiple links depending upon where you click).
IMAGING MACHINE A very useful site offering Web-base image manipulation -- takes your image (on your Web server) and performs various transformations, including format changes, interleaving, transparent colors, etc.
Colors & Hex Numbers A reference relating 140 hex color values (e.g. "#C0C0C0") to the actual color they produce on your monitor.
The Web Masters' Page One of my favorite pages, containing lots of links to resources and pages related to authoring Web pages and related activities.
User Guidelines and Netiquette Very topical information about how to be a Good Net Citizen™.
World Wide Web Tools PC Week's version of a collection of links useful to Web page authors, site administrators, and plain ol' surfers...
Web Developer's Virtual Library Another resource for doing HTML authoring, cgi-bin programming, 3D graphics, notes on style, a library of icons, etc.
WebEdit A WYSIWYG HTML editor.
Weblint A free HTML checker, much like the following item.
WebTechs Validation Service A free HTML checker, just point it at your page, tell it what kind of conformance to check for, and see the results. Excellent for debugging and desk-checking.
WWW & HTML Developer's JumpStation Yet Another WWW page with links useful to HTML authors, Web site administrators, and general W3 references.
A Beginner's Guide to URLs The full story on Uniform Resource Locators.
The HTML Writers Guild Website One of the World's leading organizations for HTML design originators. Easy to join (I'm a member). They have some nice resources here, plus a mailing list (which I dropped off of last year due to the heavy traffic).
World Wide Web FAQ An excellent "Frequently Asked Questions" list for the WWW, and a good jumping-off point for learning about the Web, HTML, Web tools, etc.
Browser Watch Where to go to find the browser you want (there are more than 60 listed!).

Favorite Search Engines

Alta Vista: Main Page
Lycos, Inc. Home Page
WebCrawler Searching

Some Favorite Pages

Anagram Insanity
Charley Parker's virtual comic book - ARGON ZARK!
Foreign Exchange Rates
Internet Telephone Company - WebPhone(tm)
Right Now in Portland, Oregon
Seattle Times & classifieds
A large library of 'shareware'
Spokane weather
USPS Address and ZIP Code Information
WSDOT - Seattle Met Traffic Flow

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Author: Marc Lewis (