need battery help ASAP

1KPerDay 1kperday at
Tue May 26 18:03:04 PDT 2009

duh... when all else fails, RTFM. the manual says the positive side is in
first, negative on the outside. I assume that means that the black wire goes
on the negative terminal also, as it doesn't seem to be long enough to reach
positive. Let me know if that's wrong.


On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 6:56 PM, 1KPerDay <1kperday at> wrote:

> It's been so long since I took my battery out I can't remember which way it
> fits back in. Is it positive side to the outside or negative? Also, which
> post does the black wire with the yellow stripe go on? I assume it's a
> ground or something... I can't remember which post it goes on. Any info
> would be helpful. thanks!
> --
> Utah Jeff
> '96 SheePz1100

Utah Jeff
'96 SheePz1100

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