Did the carbs

Randolph Peters arpee44 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 9 18:41:16 PDT 2012

Well guys,
Just finished the carb job.
It went well, I think. 
Getting the carbs out and in is a cinch compared to the Gpz and its pesky airbox and rubber boots.  But there are more attachment points to separate: electric cut-off jets for each carb, throttle position sensor and two input hoses from two fuel pumps.
Once off, getting to the jets and getting them out was a straightforward strip down. 
Couldn't really see any real dirt but those emulsion tubes and jet orifices are so small.
Oh yes, and I was spared the stress of messing with the pilot screws. They were  sealed and remained virgos intactas. Can't see that taking them out would have made a difference.
Anyway I soaked the jets overnight in lacquer thinner as our fellow lister recommended and sprayed carb cleaner into almost every hole I could see.
Next day I took the carbs to a neighborhood bike shop where they were kind enought to use their air hose to blow every thing out for me.
This afternoon I reassembled without any drama except the usual little bolt or the tool you put down and can't locate for half an hour and the nut that WILL fall into the jungle below the tank.
Balanced using the British Carbtune gizmo (I highly recommend) and the thing fairly sings now.
Thanks guys, for all the advice and knowledge that you shared.
But this is the last carburetted bike I'll own. 
Fuel injection or bust.

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