Away with you!
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 14:02:06 -0700
From: havoc23 <>
To: Northwest YSR-50 Enthusiasts <>
Subject: SIR 6/20/99
Sunday was a fine day for the last YSR "race" at SIR this season...
as the Aug and Oct dates are one-day-only events, WMRRA doesn't think
we can get fit into the compressed schedule, which is too bad because
even if all of you who can't be bothered to fix your bikes or cough
$25 for the chance to ride at a racetrack with ambulance/insurance
show up, _I_ do, and enjoy it, so nyhaaa!
As it is, Dave Murray (YSR50) and Bruce Bille (MB100) showed up, Mick
Griffith (WUF Racing YSR50) preregistered but broke his wrist the day
before so he was out...
Bobby Hawbaker and Bruce Donohue flagged and cornerworked for us,
thanks guys!
With three bikes and essentially three different classes it was more
of a demo than a race, but I'm sure you're all tired of me griping
non-participation, so...I had Spawn (YZR80) and it's really running
so I have way HP over Dave's YSR50 but he is a way better rider, so
hung back on the straights and we passed/repassed every other lap,
Also gave me more practice at riding close, which I appreciated...
Bruce's Beta finished the race, a first I think! Kudos to Bruce, one
of WMRRA's
"oldtimers" for supporting the series the last two seasons with his
vintage tiddler!
Next race isn't till the Can-Ams at Wenatchee, be there!