Picture Gallery - Directory: pix/bikes/cartoons

Picture Gallery - Directory: pix/bikes/cartoons

Last update: Mon Sep 25 00:33:38 MET 1995



Indian.gif (10035 bytes)
bleifrei.gif (73464 bytes)
cartoon-digger.gif (3705 bytes)
chop-drawing1.gif (11443 bytes)
espresso.gif (26318 bytes)
guzzi-eagle.gif (167439 bytes)
mg_bird.gif (40743 bytes)
A bird riding a Moto Guzzi (1000S?) with its knee down on the
pavement. Drawn by Tom Chipley, scanned from August `94 issue of
Motorcycle Consumer News.

schraddel.gif (10773 bytes)
signwern.jpg (39920 bytes)
tuev.gif (97121 bytes)