add a new entry

Use this form to add a new entry to the list of motorcycle related businesses and organizations listed at: If you wish to submit a correction to an existing entry please use the update form rather than this page.

Please fill in as much information as you can, then click on the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the form. All fields are required except Business Email address, Website URL, and Comments. Your submission will be reviewed before being added, so don't expect it to appear immediately in the web pages...

Business name:
Street address:
ZIP/Postal code:
Phone number(s):

(at least one number required)
(required: pick 1 or more categories)
Business Email address:
Your Email address:
(required -- in case I need to ask you something about your submission)
Web site (URL):
(optional – but be complete, e.g. "")
(optional – use to describe services/products. But please write in the third person,
not the first. Say "They sell..." instead of "We sell...")
Are you Human?:
If you're a live person, and not just some software running on a zombie network, then you should have no trouble figuring out these two words. I hate to have to require this, but when the bogus entries got to 100 per day, I had to do something!

Click the little (?) symbol if you need help. Click the little refresh symbol if you want two different words to decode.

Want to simply correct/update an existing entry?
Then please use the update form instead...

Copyright © 1996-2024 by H. Marc Lewis. All rights Reserved.