TLH Trip, Chapter Two

Marilyn Mason masonjs at
Mon Aug 18 11:33:50 PDT 2008

Where did you and Mike get to after you disappearred in the rain in Margaree 
Valley NS?  Bruce could have made it to his sister's in Connecticutt from 
Truro NS as he left at about 6:00 am.  I stayed to bitch about a dirty glass 
in the room and take shot at the manager over the bandit's price for the 
room (I had to pick a number to get at the manager as the other patrons were 
raking him over the coals) so I just ate as much as I could of the $100.00+ 
contiental breakfast, packed a bunch of muffins, 1/2 a dozen hard boiled 
eggs, utensils, bowl and plates, salt & pepper shakers  8 pieces of friut, a 
litre of apple juice, 2 litre bottles of water, 20 napkins, cleaned my chain 
with a face cloth, wiped the bike down (twice --heavy fog) with the hand 
towels and hit the road.  If Bruce hadn't joined me the bike would have been 
in the room with me.  I did have a nice picnic with a young couple from 
Maine at a rest stop beside a lake about an hour into Maine from St Croix 
NB.  They thanked me for the food and they headed east on their DR 650 and I 
headed west.  There are some really nice roads in Maine that we should look 
in to.  Looks like a lot of dirt (need better maps then I had to take 
advantage of them) in the northern sections of the state.  That northeastern 
sector that I came in on is a little intmodating,  you can here dueling 
banjos echoing in your head.  You need at least a dozen derilic vehicles in 
your yard, 70 % of which must be old 4x4s--not the little shit I mean, 
Blazers, Jimmys, Broncos, Ram Chargers, power wagons that held minimun 350 
CID (5.7 Litre) V8s under the hood.  Maine is a bug state, first cousin to 
NB--God was very generous in handing out small biting and stinging creatures 
here.  A smart time to go would be mid August to mid September.


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