D*mn Etnanol

scapco at ecentral.com scapco at ecentral.com
Wed Oct 8 08:53:28 PDT 2008

Bill is right on the money about the ethanol.  Here in 
Denver, everything is 10% ethanol all the time.  I was 
having to replace the pilot jet on my daughters TTR-125 
every ride because it would clog up.  Now I Sta-Bil the gas 
and drain the carb every time which has solved the 
problem.  The owner of Vickery Motorsports uses race gas in 
all of his floor inventory and adds Sta-bil for the same 
reasons.  This situation will only get worse in the future, 

Charles S.

Bill Denton wrote:
> All,
>Just a word about fuel filters and clogged carbs.  If your 
>part of the world, like mine, is using gasoline that 
>contains 10% ethanol, you will have to do more than simply 
>add an inline fuel filter.  When the ethanolic fuel 
>starts to evaporate in the float bowls during periods of 
>non-use, it can cause "gel balls" and other stuff to form 
>in the bowls.  The next time you start up, viola, clogged 
>pilot jets.  No filter in the world can stop this, 
>because the precipitate forms after the fuel passes the 
>To remedy, I've started using StaBil fuel stabilizer with 
>every tankful, all year round.   Also, when the rest of 
>the current bottle is gone, I'm switching to the marine 
>formula, which is now stocked at my local Pep-Boys. 
>It has twice the active ingredients to battle the ills of 
>EtOH induced fuel  degradation.  That's a good thing, 
>cheap insurance and a heckuva lot easier than cleaning 
>carbs on five motorcycles over and over again.  JMHO, YMMV.
> Bill in Yardley, PA
> wkdenton at verizon.net

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